Investments in immoral shares
Have you ever thought about the fact that your investments can actually be immoral?
If so, how do you feel about it? Do you care or do you pay attention?
If you don't care, I've picked out 3 stocks that are completely immoral 🚀😎
1. $GEO (-1.49%) - Operates private prisons in the USA
Sales last year were $2.4 billion - so not bad at all 👊🚀
2. $RICK (+0.37%) - American strip club operator
Here the turnover was doubled in the last 5 years 🚀👊
3. $BYD (-0.81%) - American company which earns money through gambling.
Not to be underestimated with nearly 10 million Americans addicted to gambling. 😎
Of course the post is only meant as a joke. Although one or the other might be interested in such companies. 😎