@Simpson I would also like to see this in the longer term, but I am still skeptical. At least the Europe Momentum ETF seems to be doing well at the moment. I'm also curious to see whether the FTSE 100 can maintain its upward momentum. I'm pleased that the DAX is doing well, but I'm also surprised at the same time.
@thewolfofallstreetz nothing spectacular, boring value. long-term rising chart, turnover, profit, assets etc... it's just not a rocket, but it doesn't have to be for me either
@thewolfofallstreetz Interesting question 😂 I have just looked it up. In the long term (from 2000) the S&P has risen by almost 700% and L'oreal by around 630%. I wouldn't have expected that myself... but the last 5 years it was 80% to 24%, for the S&P of course.