
I would be pleased to receive feedback on the portfolio and possibly a recommendation for another last individual share (more on this in a moment).

My investment horizon is 15-17 years for now. Depending on how it develops towards retirement at some point. The aim is to generate a small pension contribution later on.

The ETFs as the main investment with currently 41%, later increasing to 50-60%. The S&P 500 as an extra to take advantage of a little more return compared to the World. I am considering replacing the World with the FTSE All-World (distributing) in order to keep the US below 60% overall in the long term.

In addition a handful of individual stocks:

$MSFT (-1.69%) long-term blue chip growth with a small dividend. (savings plan)

$8001 (+2.21%) Long-term strong growth and a decent dividend. (savings plan)

$ALV (+0.07%) as a long-term runner with a decent yield and very good dividend. (savings plan)

$PLTR (+3.47%) and $IOS (+1.49%) are long-term tech bets with +30% and +90% to date. Here, additional purchases are made when opportunities arise.

I would then like to add another share soon to diversify a little more and receive further dividends. My candidates are $ULVR (+0.85%) or $VIE (+0.02%). However, I need to look more closely at the long-term potential. If you have any opinions on this, please share them.


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If you see growth potential and good long-term prospects in the shares - 👍🏻
Diversification perhaps also with a share from the healthcare sector?
$VIE - interesting. So far with a moderate growth curve. What opportunities do you see here in the future?
What do you think of $SPYI. Here you would have greater diversification than with All World.

How high is your monthly savings rate?
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@Meikl_22 Thank you.

I am absolutely convinced by the individual stocks and they have performed very well so far. Also in comparison to my personal reference, the MSCI World.

$VIE According to my research so far, the MSCI World has quite good prospects. But it has actually grown too flat in the past. Not worthwhile in the long term compared to the ETF or the other individual stocks.

Yes, I also have little in health. That would also be a pot. But basically it's too uncomfortable for me. If a drug is not approved, it plummets. The top dogs $LLY are either the USA (then too much US) or $NOVO B it's questionable whether anything will happen there in the long term. $SHL is still on my watch list.

In the end, however, I have to find something that absolutely convinces me. Otherwise I'll stick with 2 ETFs + a handful of individual stocks.

Savings rate currently 150-200, to be increased over the years. The capital market isn't everything. Home ownership, reserves and investments also "eat up" a few euros.
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$VIE I agree with you. I have them on my watchlist. But I don't like the chart so far.

That's true, yes. If you want to avoid volatility, something like $ULVR or $PG might be something for your portfolio.

Correct, yes. Put as many stocks in your portfolio as you need to keep an overview and not put too much in...

Definitely. I know that... Nevertheless, the biggest leverage is and remains the savings rate 😉
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