Hello everyone! I've been a silent reader on Getquin for a while now and thought why not post something myself. I want to start with a simple presentation of my portfolio and I would be very happy about feedback and constructive criticism :)
About me:
I am 24 years old and have been investing in ETFs, shares and cryptos since I was 18. My goal is to build up a long-term fortune and, above all, I simply enjoy dealing with the subject.
My strategy is to have an MSCI World as my core $XDWL (+0.04%) which I then expand with what I consider to be promising, solid stocks. I invest in the MSCI World on a monthly basis in the savings plan, which means that this position is constantly being expanded. My aim is to increase its share over the next few years so that it makes up more than 50% of the portfolio.
The savings plan also includes the MSCI Emerging Markets Ex China $EMXCwhich I want to use to cover the developing countries without taking the China risk. I am aware that I could miss out on a lot of potential through growth in the Chinese market, but I want to protect myself from political events and decisions.
The NASDAQ100 $CSNDX (-0.28%) has already been bought for me by my father and I would like to hold it for the long term, as I think it is a sensible investment / higher weighting in the tech sector.
For the selected stocks, I try to choose companies that are market leaders in their sectors or that I expect to see stable growth without too much risk. I usually buy these in several tranches and if possible (or if I am patient enough) anticyclically.
I also generally go for a (low) dividend yield (currently around 1% of the invested capital). I know that dividend-paying ETFs and growth stocks make more sense, especially at a young age, but I still consciously focus on dividends. Not because I think it's generally the better choice, but simply because I like receiving dividends and it motivates me to keep at it. So please forgive me for that :)
So, last but not least, my cryptos. I'm generally enthusiastic about technology and therefore naturally also about cryptocurrencies. However, after burning my fingers by buying almost everything at the ATH, I have become more cautious and reserved. I want to hold the selected cryptos that I still have now for the long term or, if necessary, to buy them in the future. $BTC (-4.84%) , $ETH (-8.29%) , and/or $SOL (-7.43%) in the future. Otherwise, buy&hold applies here.
I hope I have been able to give you an overview of my portfolio and look forward to your comments.
Best regards
Your Spar Otter 🦦