The Nike share $NKE (+0.61%) is where it was 5 years ago and is currently trading at -58% in the worst drawdown in 25 years.
Many companies would probably like to have the operational problems that Nike $NKE (+0.61%) has right now, given their cash fire power compared to Nike $NKE (+0.61%) to Nike.
Cash position (incl. short-term investments) of selected competitors of Nike $NKE (+0.61%) (Companies are sorted in descending order of sales):
Nike (USA): 9.8 billion $
Adidas* (Germany): 1.9 billion $
Lululemon** (USA): 1.2 billion $
VF Corporation** (USA): 1.4 billion $
Anta Sports* (China): $4.2 billion
Puma* (Germany): $0.3 billion
Skechers** (USA): $1.2 billion
New Balance* (USA): $1-2 billion (estimated)
Under Armour* (USA): $0.7 billion
Deckers Brands** (USA): $2.2 billion
ASICS* (Japan): $0.8 billion
Li Ning* (China): $1.8 billion
On Holding** (Switzerland): $0.7 billion
*Main competitor of Nike
**Competitor of Nike in certain segments
Do you believe in a turnaround of Nike $NKE (+0.61%) in the next 2-3 years as outlined by the new CEO?