
When it comes to elevators, you either know Schindler $SCHN (-0.67%) from der🇨🇭, Kone $KNEBV (-0.19%) from 🇫🇮 or Thyssen Krupp $TKA (-1.6%) from 🇩🇪.

But the market leader is Otis from 🇺🇸 and in fact most of the apartment buildings that have been built recently in my city have an Otis elevator. The difference to the others, the Otis elevators have a fancy display with weather forecast and news ticker. If I hadn't invested here, I probably would never have noticed which manufacturer the elevator is from.

Otis Earnings July 2024

  • Earnings per share increased by 15.2 % to $1.06 compared to the previous year
  • Treasury shares bought back for $300 million
  • Dividend at 1.56% ($0.39 per quarter)


Otis Worldwide logo
Bought x0.297 at €84.10

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It's always interesting to see which companies you get to know that you didn't have on your radar or didn't even know about.
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As a shareholder in the MFH, I notice from the logo on the horrendous maintenance bills that our elevator is from Otis... I should immediately work out how many shares I would need to be able to pay for the dirty thing from the dividend.
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@Dividensenmann That's the great thing about the elevator business, sell the elevator once and continue to pay for maintenance for the rest of your life 😁👍
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Is the order book at $SCHN actually called Schindler's List?
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I have Kone, it hasn't been doing so well for 3 years, but I'm convinced of it in the long term. Elevators and escalators are a good business, as you can see from the long-term charts of the 3 big companies.
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@Paketknecht The chart looks better for Otis, but they have only been on the stock exchange since 2020, since the spin-off.
Business is boring but still growing. More living space and an increasingly older society.
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Interesting business. But I always lack the imagination for much growth. But I'll take a closer look
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