Hello dear community,
today I would like to ask you for feedback on my portfolio.
Briefly about me, I am just in my early 30s and started investing after my studies in 2019. After my apprenticeship and a short time as an employee, I successfully completed my studies, which I paid for with jobs during the semester break. As traveling, living and self-financing were very important to me during my student days, I had exactly €0 in my account at the start of my second working life.
I then started investing smaller amounts in 2019. Money has been flowing into my account really regularly since 2021. During my time as an investor, I made a lot of mistakes, sold too early at the beginning, then bought Canadian penny stocks with my roommate, but fortunately only in moderation. I am not pursuing a pure growth or dividend strategy, but would like to have a balanced portfolio mix. My investment horizon will be until I retire, so I will have a few years left, around 30-35. As I earn relatively well, my savings rate is around €1000 per month, which is divided between ETFs and individual share savings plans. To all those who don't like savings plans in individual shares - for me they are a good tool and I don't regret it. I also make individual purchases from time to time.
About my stocks. Many of you will no doubt mention the duplications in my portfolio. First of all, I would like to talk about the world ETFs. Initially, I had an MSCI World $AHYQ (-1.55%) and additionally a $IEEM (-1.11%) . I have kept these in my portfolio, but now I am saving the $VWRL (-1.2%) instead, as I have found it to be better for me personally and it still covers a small proportion of EM. As I am an employee of a large company, this stock is relatively well represented in my portfolio due to an employee share program and will continue to grow.
I am currently considering $META (-3.72%) , $AMZN (-3.25%) , $MSFT (-0.47%) and $AAPL (-0.26%) selling my individual shares one by one and investing the capital in $VWRL (-1.2%) (taxes then become a nasty issue). I would collect these again in another market situation and then possibly sell them again. There are also other duplications here, such as $MUV2 (-0.53%) , $ALV (+0.76%) or $KO (+0.66%) , $PEP (+0.36%) or $MO (+1.93%) , $BATS (+1.55%) , etc. My idea behind this is to avoid a cluster risk.
In future, I would like to increase my holding in $VWRL (-1.2%) and expand the individual shares with smaller amounts. If there are favorable opportunities for individual shares, I may take them. However, I don't really want to increase my number of positions significantly. Why don't I invest in an accumulating world ETF? Quite simply - I dream of being able to retire earlier and live off my dividends. I don't know if I can achieve this and would be more likely to do so with an accumulating one --> maybe, but I just feel comfortable with my few dividends at the moment.
In addition to my custody account, I currently have a small 5-digit amount in Trade Republic, which earns 4% interest. Maybe it will turn into a small property. As long as I have the 4 or 3.75%, I'm happy with it for now.
I'm actually very happy with my portfolio performance, although it could have been better if I hadn't made any mistakes at the start. I am reinvesting all my dividends and would like to break the magic 100,000 portfolio value next year.
I hope I haven't forgotten anything important, otherwise just ask me about it.
AND I am happy to receive tips, suggestions and angry comments as to why I don't have an accumulating ETF :)
Thank you.