
Does iShares MSCI World Small Cap make sense as a supplement?

As a core investment, the $IWDA (-1.28%) makes perfect sense, no question. Now opinions are divided on other (niche) ETFs and there are some emotional discussions XD ... What about the $WSML (-1.23%) ETF? Does it make sense as a supplement to savings or not? Keyword: Is it better to look for small up-and-coming companies yourself and invest in a targeted manner (time expenditure/benefits)?


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You can do it, but you don't have to :D
I do it myself. Small cap has had phases of outperformance, then again not. And unfortunately nobody knows the future.

Of course you can also search yourself, but with small companies the probability of failure can increase dramatically.
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Runs with me in the Oscar. Runs better than $SAEU $SAEU $SAEM and $LGAG. Therefore
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Makes sense, as further diversification (no overlaps) and historically they have outperformed the mid/large caps. You could weight the Etf with 10-15%.
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