
Tobacco value sought

I would like to add a tobacco stock to my dividend portfolio. Which one would you choose and on what basis?

I look forward to your feedback!


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Clearly $PM or $BATS. Take a look at the blog posts on https://abilitato.de/. The companies are well explained and described there.
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@Klambam I'll take a look right away. 👌🏻
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I have $MO and $BATS in my portfolio and the best performing $IMB are also worth a look
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I have $BATS in my portfolio and can only agree with the previous speaker.
The focus is on dividends, which are mega, and there is also some growth.
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@Aktienorang-Utan Thank you very much!
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As far as the future is concerned, $BATS and $PM are in the best position and, in my opinion, are the most promising players in the sector. I am invested in both myself.
The worst position is $MO, which would be at the bottom for me. I would rather keep my hands off it.
Besides $IMB, $2914 might also be worth a look.
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If you are still interested in an answer: Personally, I don't see $BATS as a favorite. For me, it is $MO, simply because of the stake in Anheuser Busch (Budweiser, Becks, etc.). The dividend and growth are still really good, and the share price gains could also be good in the future. So that would be my fav. But as I said, opinions and tastes differ ;)
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$BATS u. $MO personal opinion: have both in my portfolio and am very satisfied with the development; see the most potential for the future here
$PM has already performed well; no longer such strong growth
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@JoernsenBoernsen Thank you for your assessment
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Philip Morris
I think BATS and MO are the best. Both are fatly in the plus. But now both have become quite expensive again...
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