A very good article with good research, albeit a bit long. I think the dilemma of renting or buying is not an investment decision for many people who could afford to buy their own home. It's about a standard of living and, to a certain extent, a way to develop freely. Of course, you can see the question as an investment and make a rational decision based on figures. For me, the idea didn't even begin to go in that direction at the time. It was clear to me from the start that I wanted my own home where I could do what I wanted. Where, as in my case, I can let off steam as a handyman every few years. So again: I agree with you on the bottom line. But I think for a lot of people who decide to buy their own home, it's the lifelong dream of "My home is my castle" and not the question of which is the better investment.
•@mano For me, it's more that I've been told that only a home of my own can provide a secure pension. Doing handicrafts and the like is terrible for me. Despite this, I was convinced for years that I would buy or even build a house. Doing the financial math has taken a lot of pressure off the whole thing