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all high-div stocks
i would also focus on long-term stocks that keep growing their divs , between 2-5% dividend right now but if they can keep growing....

you should take a look at the free cash flow a company is generating to do so
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free cash flow has it's ups and down but general trend is up,
earnings per share on the other hand is flat.
debt-to-equity is good
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@vedaan oke. Then it is time to buy more $AD into my portfolio
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It seems a very "stable" and "low growth" portfolio. Its returns will very likely be lower than the index... Is it something you are ok with?
@i_miei_investimenti difference is with dividends. Thats why the growth is limited...
Great start, looks like a shortterm portfolio with high risks high reward. If I were you, I would downsize the high yield and look for steady growth in value of dividend (dividend kings like mcdonalds for example).
Take examples of Warren Buffet. He has explained this a lot of times :)
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