
Crypto bull trap

Was the small upswing of $BTC (+0.31%)
$ETH (+1.15%)
$SOL (+0.89%) not sustainable at all but a bull trap or are prices actually being deliberately manipulated? I remember many people predicting a crypto bull market in early/mid 2025. We are a long way from that now. It's obviously getting colder and colder in the crypto world 🤑


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If things don't work out, everything is always manipulated straight away...
@He-Man For me personally, everything is going well, nice profits realized and now I'm waiting for it to fall even further 🤑 I'm more worried about those who assumed a bull market at the beginning of 2025 😕
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@He-Man 🥤🍿👀
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@He-Man well, you just expect 100% plus in one month 😂. I'm curious what will happen if the market goes sideways for 5 years 😁
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@BamBamInvest that will be a real washout😳🍿
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manipulated? Is that a synonym for stupidity?
@Ph1l1pp You must not have sold in time and are making more losses week after week 😕
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@equity_expert_1695 I am concerned with the reason "manipulation"
I mean with the hack, Bitcoin and the rest has lost some confidence again, Trump is not really trumpeting Bitcoin, or at least not in the way it was priced in.

Otherwise, your predictions about cryptos are unfortunately completely glass ball gazing. Always have been, personal feelings and hopes. After all, you have no basis for a professional evaluation or long-term experience with your coins. You can also see that they all somehow do the same thing, i.e. it is completely detached from the actual coin and its function. Pure speculation...
@Madhatter5566 I don't care, I'm very happy to earn money so easily 🤑
@equity_expert_1695 Do you do that just when things are going down. Are you shorting something. Testoking for life.
@Madhatter5566 The current decline was indeed predicted.
@Madhatter5566 I'm not invested, just wait on the sidelines and watch it fall further 🤑
@Redfox77 And others have seen another 125k. Each according to his urine, completely without any basis.

But what I do. As long as Nfts is at 1 million per boring monkey you don't need to switch to Bitchcoin
@Madhatter5566 This may also happen if the next support level is not breached. Otherwise a little later.
@Madhatter5566 what kind of hack ? Bybit ? Has nothing to do with Bitcoin. That would be like saying: "I don't use cash anymore because wirecard cheated"
@Martin1234 Has nothing to do with Bitchcoin.... Yeah nope, that's clear.

Why did only Bitchcoin plummet after the hack? I don't know how else to explain it to you, but it doesn't matter whether an event really has anything to do with a worthless asset that lives off hype. As long as it has an impact on acceptance, it does.
@Madhatter5566 Sorry, but everything you are saying makes no sense at all. Only Ethereum was stolen. The hack took place on February 21 and you don't see any significant price loss for any of the major cryptocurrencies the day after. Bybit is also still solvent despite the loss and no customer has lost anything. I don't understand why you have such a strong opinion against bitcoin if you have dealt with it so little, in each of your comments it only says Bitcoin is worthless, you are welcome to see it that way, but you can still exchange ideas normally. We now have at least 3 countries actively buying Bitcoin, including the largest economy in the world. Maybe we've had enough of this argument. The example wasn't ideal, but here's a slightly adapted version: would you stop buying gold if it was being stolen from safe deposit boxes?
@Martin1234 I'll repeat myself, since your reading skills seem to be poor: It doesn't matter with a worthless asset if an event had nothing at all to do with the asset upon closer inspection. Because it doesn't matter as long as it affects trust or acceptance. Proof: The hack had an impact on the price of Bitcoin. Even if, in your opinion, it had nothing to do with Bitcoin. QED.

Gold is not a worthless asset. you are confusing a commodity with number series. Sorry.

And no, just because a country accepts Bitcoin doesn't suddenly make Bitcoin valuable. Because otherwise... oops, my 50 euro bill would suddenly be intrinsically valuable just because it is accepted. My 50 euro bill is valuable because the EU economy is behind it. What is behind Bitcoin? Strings of numbers and a disclosed bank statement? Rofl. You're confusing acceptance with backing by a country. Just because China accepts dollars doesn't mean the Chinese economy is behind the dollar. Is that too high for you?
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