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I don't think the amounts involved here are likely to threaten the livelihoods of either the author or the commentators. I think that would be a positive way of looking at it and a nice change.
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@Quanda Why would that be nice?
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Does that mean that as long as you have food, you have to be in a good mood? Exactly my sense of humor.
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@DonkeyInvestor i don't understand why you have to ask me that: isn't it always better to see something positive and not just complain?
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@marda304 You misunderstood me. I meant to say that most people here have so much more than just food. Heating, a roof over their heads, drinking water, health insurance, maybe even real estate. That's why I see this as "complaining at a high level". I simply wanted to point out that there are people who are worse off than the majority here in this community and for them, 70 euros less is actually a problem. And yes, I am implying to the majority here that they are not one of these people, I am aware of that, but it is not meant negatively.
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@Quanda okay, feel free to transfer me half of the money you have left at the end of the month. You'll still have 50%, which is super positive 👍
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@Quanda What exactly is even remotely positive about this?
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@Quanda The problem is not only that wages are falling in nominal terms, but also at the same time(!) in terms of purchasing power. In other words, you earn less and can buy even less of the rest. In addition, you don't really get anything back for the contributions. If you are in the statutory health insurance scheme, you mainly pay for pensioners, recipients of citizens' benefits (as the federal government pays too little) and general recipients such as migrants. For the GRV you get nothing but worthless pension points. Anyone under 40 will never get a fair return anyway. I would also like to question whether the tax portion is used sensibly, as 10% of the federal budget is already used for the federal government's subsidy to the general pension insurance.
I don't recognize whining here. But telling and discussing facts... categorizing and looking for solutions
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@DonkeyInvestor sorry, I can't do that 😁 I never have any money left over at the end of the month...everything is already invested at the beginning of the month...