
70 euros less net ...

... a month, says my first payslip in 2025 😭. Compared to October 2024, of course (retroactive reimbursement in December, Christmas bonus in November). This already includes the higher child benefit on a pro rata basis.

That's 840 euros or 1,680 MARK‼️ that I'm missing per year. I can only hope for a hefty pay rise and for a government that will finally do something for us poor high earners 🥲.

The 70 euros will of course have a direct impact on a reduced savings rate. My broker's function of increasing the savings rate by inflation every year is like a slap in the face 🥊

What's your situation? Is it the same or do you perhaps even have more net income available? What do you treat yourself to more or less as a result? Feel free to write in the comments, vote or both.

👍 0-20 euros more net per month

❤️ 20-40 euros more net per month

🚀 > 40 euros more net per month

🤣 0-20 euros less net per month

😭 20-40 euros less net per month

🆘 > 40 euros less net per month


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I also have a clear minus.
That's how it is when too many people claim benefits and fewer and fewer people earn contributions through work.
The question is how much longer this can go on
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@AlterMann What happens when things are no longer going well? Are you thinking more about the collapse of the system, pitchforks and torches or both?
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@DonkeyInvestor Germans don't reach for torches and pitchforks. There will be a collapse and many will lose out - so only the little ones who have something...
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@AlterMann I'll still buy a few pitchforks and torches in reserve as a precaution. Not that they'll be in short supply when the time comes
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@DonkeyInvestor Klopapier 😂😂
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@AlterMann that too
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@DonkeyInvestor Am I reading an investment recommendation for $HBH here? Or are there better listed torch and pitchfork suppliers and producers?
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@Zackdela79 that is an outstanding question to which I have no answer 😭
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@DonkeyInvestor Ropes. Think of ropes...
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@JuppDupp thanks, I almost forgot
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This is what happens when the top 1% continuously increase their wealth, avoid taxes and the lower classes - working and unemployed - lose wealth. There is not much to be gained from the benefit recipients, the figures speak for themselves
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As an employer with 50 socially insured employees. employees, I can only say: vote sensibly. If you vote for socialism, mass immigration into the welfare state and energy policies from Wonderland, you have to pay for it.
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@RIR119 Employers give employees election recommendations... Super 👍🏼
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@Nesquick2 and apparently no AG of a company with trade across German borders... otherwise good night when leaving the EU
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@RIR119 Do you also employ foreigners?
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@McZed His post can also be a recommendation for the FDP, they don't want to leave the EU yet, as far as I know.
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@Chandra FDP 🤣 I love it when normal earners vote as if they have millions in their bank account. Voting FDP or AfD as an employee is simply incredibly stupid.
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@Windbeutel If you make life as unattractive as possible for employers, there will soon be no more jobs and therefore no more employees.
The green economic miracle has somehow failed to materialize.

In my opinion, voting for the CDU, SPD or anything further to the left as a young person is incredibly stupid. They are all pensioners' parties. The ageing population is the biggest problem we have at the moment and no one has a solution other than to further exclude young people.
And voting for friends of Russia is out anyway. Apart from the FDP, who else has even the slightest chance of getting in?
@Windbeutel Some people also don't understand that employees are also doing badly when the economy is doing badly. With the FDP, you would at least have had a pension deposit. With the rest of the party, have fun paying social security contributions on interest and dividends.
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@Nesquick2 The boss at Würth has been doing this for years, and strangely enough it didn't bother you either.
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I can also wait another 10 days until it's ready, but I calculate with 60€ less.

If nothing changes in the foreseeable future, I'm toying with the idea of cutting back and working a few more hours elsewhere on a €520 basis, let's see how things go and whether the left-green 💩 bunch continues to gain popularity. 🤷‍♂️
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@Kapital_Koala That's exactly what I'm thinking right now. I'm doing the math right now. In any case, I can't go on like this.
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@Kapital_Koala I actually like being a left-wing, green-wing nutcase. But lately it's no fun anymore
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@Kapital_Koala 556 is now possible. The mini-job is calculated on the basis of the current minimum wage. There's always a little extra.
I remember my mom doing a "630 mark job" when I was little. Not long now and we have it in euros.
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It's funny how you're upset that you'll earn less but the left will be there for you
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@wealth_navigator_64 Who exactly do you mean?
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@DonkeyInvestor with the left he would have more money in his pocket
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My ALG 1 has drastically reduced my health insurance contributions
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@Dividendenopi you're already a grandpa
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Just over €50 less.
In the last half of the year, I did everything I could to reduce the burden on my wallet (left the savings bank, left the church, ended nonsensical subscriptions or changed subscriptions to cheaper annual subscriptions).

Nevertheless, I will have to adjust and reduce my savings rate for the time being, as a salary increase is not to be expected in the first half of the year.
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@superpat__ 50 euros less despite leaving the church? That's crass
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@DonkeyInvestor well, in this case, perhaps the wrong wording. November was the first month without church tax (here it was €40 more) - they have now even been burned a little more 😂🔥
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I have to wait another 2-3 days. I'm reckoning on a minus of around €70, the tax increase and the increase in the assessment threshold will have a double impact 🫣

Nothing will be changed in my savings plans, I'll just eat less.
Everything else is already at zero 🤷‍♂️
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@Artiskon is also good for the figure 👍
They all voted to keep it that way. What are you getting upset about, democracy!
And if you're not in favor of business as usual, you're undemocratic.
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@Madhatter5566 I'M NOT UPSET AT ALL!!!11!!!ELEVEN
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@DonkeyInvestor einseinselfnachtelf
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@Europoor The night elf 😍
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@DonkeyInvestor nachtelfzwerghobbit (:
Out of a gross increase of 250 euros, 17 euros net remain.
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@Florian1279 I'm sorry about that. But at least you have more than before 😅
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@Florian1279 That's tough. Once again, performance is being punished.
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I would be happy about 70 euros less per month 😳My income tax is so high that I am considering no longer accepting orders and reducing my weekly working hours from 60 hours to less than 40 hours a week because work is no longer worthwhile in 🇩🇪!!!!
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@Steel-Team Take an example from me. I only work 40 hours and only have 70 euros less 😎
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@Steel-Team I have the same problem
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@horseback Bad, isn't it? Either you work less and have less money or you work more and pay yourself stupidly in taxes and duties 😳😩
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Just got a raise (200 gross more). The increase has now been eaten up.
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@5julian5 Just like me ... rate increase too?
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@DonkeyInvestor as good as. Maybe 10 euros are left over
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@AnneS yep exactly :)
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@5julian5 Well, why don't you ask the union what happened to "solidarity"? I'd be interested to know.
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@marda304 the trade unions are politically instrumentalized, at least in our country. There's nothing to be gained there
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I don't think the amounts involved here are likely to threaten the livelihoods of either the author or the commentators. I think that would be a positive way of looking at it and a nice change.
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Then always vote for the Greens, they have now decided at the party conference that everything will be cheaper! So be it...
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I like your comments on MARK and the poor high earners. Top!
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I'm in a similar situation, still waiting on my payroll. Last year, I lost €130/month due to rising living costs, and even with a good salary compared to the median in Spain, it's hard to keep up. Honestly, I'm considering working for another country where salaries match the cost of living better. Hope things get easier for everyone facing this!
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Time to register as unemployed :)
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First time I have to give you an SOS :-)
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The car industry is stumbling. Elimination of shift bonuses of around €300 per month. But there are still a few more euros to go.
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If there is less net left over, you just have to increase the gross. Man man man, it's not that difficult, is it?
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I've just received my February statement and it shows a good 150 euros more because of the salary increase.
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I still have to wait. But I think I will reduce the rice ration proportionally
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Made the health insurance comparison directly at Finanzfluss and switched to the cheapest via Check24. And even discovered that some of the benefits are better than before 👎🏻
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A relaxed €100 less from the trainee salary 👊
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Two years ago, you would have been framed as a "Nazi" for a post like that. Today, the comments are quite humane. A pendulum swings as long as it receives impulses
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I'm in the clear this time😁, I've agreed a net salary with my employer, i.e. the amount I want to see in my account at the end of the month. A few years ago, the KV went down a bit, so of course I didn't get anything out of it.
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Still waiting for the invoice. 🌚
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I've just had a look and I'm getting just under €100 more deducted :(
I'm not adjusting my savings plans, at least from April there will be a little more gross again.
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100 euros less per month...
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habibiii, come to Germany 🍀
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I also get €60 less and as far as I can tell, you earn significantly more than me. So for me, it's a real bang for the buck.
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