
So guys, as you know children and drunks always tell the truth. Since curfew applies to me (or some other rule applies that I don't know, anyway I have to go home) I am one of the two and therefore an oracle.

I predict a bear market for the next 3 months. The tech sector will be hit particularly hard. We will also see some good buying opportunity in crypto.

After that, things will pick up so slowly. Remember my words 'buy high, sell low' and say a prayer for Dirk 'Premium' Mueller.

I have to go find the gin now. Bye.


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How should I know on which days the garbage collection comes?
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@Europoor Exactly that! I've been asking myself for years. When the hell is this garbage collection coming?
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@Europoor Guys, it's in your city's waste calendar.
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@SquirtGame But it's not in my car :o
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@Europoor They usually come on days when there are a lot of garbage cans on the street 😅
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@SquirtGame That's a great tip with the garbage cans on the street 😳. But I find such signs critical when you're visiting somewhere and staying for a few days.
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@SquirtGame just take the garbage can out on a different day than usual during some holidays... The look and the reaction of the neighbors is priceless... 😂
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Funny what goes off here, if we dip times a week longer than usual. At Christmas, everything is great again, the deflationary pressure from the new rona variant will quickly settle, that had nothing of a real risk of event so far.
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@MCS_21 I don't think so, I don't care and I hope you're not right. It would be great to buy a few more months at a reasonable price
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@Laufwerk I have also been looking for this function. 😭
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@MCS_21 So who was right?
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@Laufwerk Here is your reminder 😘
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@DonkeyInvestor well we have had new ATHs on the standard indices in the meantime, tech looked bad a month ago and still looks bad. But I have to say I've become a bit more skeptical about the Fed.
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@MCS_21 In November I still thought they wouldn't dare touch the key interest rate, but now I think it's possible, it's definitely been priced in.
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@MCS_21 Let's see how the next few months develop 🙂
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@DonkeyInvestor really nice brudi
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@mcs this did not age well
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What kind of donkey are you? Our two (no joke, we have two) comforted me today!
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@RegularJohn So I'm an investor donkey. But two donkeys are definitely better than one investor donkey 👍
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@RegularJohn Post a photo of the donkeys 😍
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Am also drunk 🦍 but carry more than I would like ☹🆘
Omikron wild still drive us all crazy or was it Omi's grain?
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@TopperHarley Grandma's grain 😍👍
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@getquin If then Glühgin. I'm still looking
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@getquin Yeah, I like impulsive performances. 'What, you're not allowed to sell me alcohol? I want to talk to your boss. Oh yes, he's interested in me. I'm buying this gas station! How can I afford it? Here's my wallet with 0.05 Bitcoin. There you go! By the way, you're fired. But before you go: Where's the glow gin?
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Sounds right for now, but the market does not behave predictably. 💸
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@SquirtGame That's why I exist, the oracle
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