
33 units are now in the portfolio! Why fixed-term deposits with less interest or UnitPlus with a low payout when it comes to the same thing? 🤷🏼‍♂️


Fixed-term deposits pay fixed interest over the fixed term. With money market ETFs, interest rates change with the ECB's decisions. The same applies only to the current moment and could change again in the course of this year.
@Koenigmidas Did I say something wrong?
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@Wowa83 No, I've slipped up, sorry. You're right, of course. I see the money market from the practical usecase more as a daily allowance alternative. Last year in June I took out a product with the bank for 6 months for 2.7 in the same period, but the ezb raised it to 4% and I didn't get my investment until the end of the year....
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The right product to compare with the overnight rater would probably not be the fixed-term deposit but the overnight deposit. :)
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UnitPlus: because I can pay directly with my Mastercard, even if it's not 100%. I have both and am satisfied.
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Because you secure interest for a longer period with a fixed-term deposit
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