
FOMO 2 of 2.

Container prices are currently doubling in some cases. 🤌🏻 💰

MPC Container Ships logo
Bought x2450 at €1.317

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Truly a good example of FOMO😅
Nevertheless, wish you good luck in the container casino🍀
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@TomTurboInvest Either way, I believe that the company will be able to pay a reasonably good/moderate dividend in the future. 😊
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@Kohlmeyse the dividend yield will be fine. But whether the container prices now have an influence on the share price of MPS Container and its Interregio container ships 🤷🏽‍♂️
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@TomTurboInvest no matter. People are bullish and follow the herd. 😅
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I was also considering buying because of the incident in the Red Sea. The industry will benefit from this
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@cashwithhead I have heard about the incidents, why will the industry benefit from them? Higher container prices?
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@Gerit Yes, everything is twice as expensive in some cases.
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@Kohlmeyse Are you buying purely out of a simple mind game or do you have an assessment of where the price journey could take you?
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@Gerit current scenarios have existed in the past due to Corona. There is news about the increase in transportation costs.
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@Kohlmeyse The costs will of course rise, the question is how much the allowances will then add to the profit.

In any case, it's a nice, logical and promising gamble 😃
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@Gerit The allowances are really exaggerated. It was the same with Corona. Some ships were taken out of service, thus reducing supply and increasing demand. In the end, there were excess profits.
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