
$DEMD (-1.52%) They said you should diversify, they said EM should be part of it, they said it should be 10% to 30%.

Now you're standing at the station and all the trains have left, only the EM train is going backwards. It has been at -5% for weeks. Will it get back into the green zone?


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You don't necessarily have to have EM, I've always said.
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That's how I see it too, I initially invested stupidly 70/30, but at some point I sold the EM. I don't think EM is anywhere near beating the industrialized nations.
My diversification to the world is an India ETF.
It's only been going down for a month, but YTD is okay and I see a lot of potential in India.
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@Dividenden-Sammler Buffet: "Broad diversification is only necessary if an investor does not know what he is doing."
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The em etf is 1/3 msci Taiwan felt
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