
A slightly different portfolio for a change. I am 22 years old.

The larger single stock position is due to my stock based compensation. It currently makes up a large part of my portfolio, but is fine for me at the moment.

I hold just under 3% in gold. I plan to replace the Vitainvest Passive 50 Sust fund with the Vitainvest Passive 100 Sust in the future. This position represents my third pillar of provision.

I am also thinking about expanding my portfolio with $LISP (+2.67%) or $ONON as I enjoy the companies and believe in a positive development in the long term.

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Why this fund? What is special about them?
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@income_magician_28 Due to my employer, I am unfortunately somewhat limited in my choice. This fund also has a relatively high proportion of Swiss equities (just under 40%).
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@maaarc oh so those are about the employer. Is better than nothing😁
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Why only limited to Switzerland? No world etf??
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@Kronos_ As far as I know, all UBS funds contain a relatively large home bias. The fund is labeled all global, but has just under 40% Swiss stocks. Again, many of these companies are global (Nestle, Roche, Novartis, UBS, etc.).
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You definitely need more global stocks/ETFs. Much too high Swiss share. Even if the companies are all global, it doesn't change your home bias and cluster risk. Emerging Markets Small Caps, Asia and Europe (except Switzerland) are almost completely missing in the portfolio. The 2 stocks you are considering are also Swiss... Even more cluster risk. As a precaution for the future or position I find this portfolio unsuitable. Much too risky. If Switzerland should get problems (even if unlikely) you are in a very bad position. In addition, by concentrating the portfolio on quite a few quality shares / companies and accept a poorer performance. Also, the share of 50% financial would be too much for me. Of course, these are shares of your employer, but I would not weight them too much. Could also go wrong in the worst case. And you also have additional cluster risk. If the financial sector is doing badly, your portfolio will suffer.
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@Snopy Thanks for the assessment!
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@maaarc Have you already treated yourself to the $LISP share? I'd love to, but it's a lot of money and only the participation certificate... the $LISN name share would be a dream come true.

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