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And your 3 steps are not priced in? The only logical conclusion of your post would be passive investment, and not intensive fundamental analysis, that's what the people with all the money did, it's all priced in ;)
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@Lunnaris01 yep, right
What you're basically saying is that I suffer from overconfidence when I think I can analyze the numbers better than others.
That's true.
I'm just saying that WITHOUT knowing these figures, it's not even hubris, but simply laziness.
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@leveragegrinding which nevertheless leads to the same result. So whether overconfidence or laziness, fundamental analysis of large caps or gut feeling, in the end both perform roughly the same and both worse than the market. So why the analysis? Good post ๐Ÿ‘
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@SquirtGame I've added it.
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@SquirtGame Well, not necessarily worse than the market, but not better either. You may be able to outperform the market, but as a beginner with 1-2 years of experience it is unlikely that you will be better at assessing companies than people who have been doing it professionally for a decade.