Larsen and Toubro Sponsored GDR Representing 1 Reg S logo

Larsen and Toubro Sponsored GDR Representing 1 Reg S

ISIN: USY5217N1183
Ticker: LTOD




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Frequently asked questions

What is Larsen and Toubro Sponsored GDR Representing 1 Reg S's market capitalization?

The market capitalization of Larsen and Toubro Sponsored GDR Representing 1 Reg S is $578.86M. Market capitalization is a measure of the total market value of a publicly traded company. It is calculated by multiplying the current stock price by the total number of outstanding shares.

What is Larsen and Toubro Sponsored GDR Representing 1 Reg S's Price-to-Earnings (P/E) ratio?

The Price-to-Earnings (P/E) ratio (TTM) for Larsen and Toubro Sponsored GDR Representing 1 Reg S is 25.92. This ratio helps investors assess whether a stock is overvalued or undervalued compared to its earnings.

What is the Earnings Per Share (EPS) for Larsen and Toubro Sponsored GDR Representing 1 Reg S?

Larsen and Toubro Sponsored GDR Representing 1 Reg S's Earnings Per Share (EPS) over the trailing twelve months (TTM) is $0.0162. EPS indicates the company's profitability on a per-share basis.

What are the analyst ratings and target price for Larsen and Toubro Sponsored GDR Representing 1 Reg S's stock?

Currently, 32 analysts cover Larsen and Toubro Sponsored GDR Representing 1 Reg S's stock, with a consensus target price of $0.539. Analyst ratings provide insights into the stock's expected performance.

What is Larsen and Toubro Sponsored GDR Representing 1 Reg S's revenue over the trailing twelve months?

Over the trailing twelve months, Larsen and Toubro Sponsored GDR Representing 1 Reg S reported a revenue of $341.50M.

What is the EBITDA for Larsen and Toubro Sponsored GDR Representing 1 Reg S?

Larsen and Toubro Sponsored GDR Representing 1 Reg S's Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA) over the trailing twelve months is $35.02M. EBITDA measures the company's overall financial performance.

How many employees does Larsen and Toubro Sponsored GDR Representing 1 Reg S have, and what sector and industry does it belong to?

Larsen and Toubro Sponsored GDR Representing 1 Reg S employs approximately 407,438 people. It operates in the Industrials sector, specifically within the Engineering & Construction industry.


Market Cap 
P/E ratio (TTM) 
Revenue (TTM) 


1D span
52W span

Analyst Ratings

The price target is $0.539 and the stock is covered by 32 analysts.








Larsen & Toubro Ltd. is an investment holding company, which engages in technology, engineering, construction, manufacturing, and financial activities. It operates through the following business segments: Infrastructure, Hydrocarbon, Power, Heavy Engineering, Defence Engineering, IT and Technology Services, Financial Services, Development Projects, and Others. The Infrastructure segment is composed of engineering and construction of buildings and factories, transportation infrastructure, heavy civil infrastructure, power transmission and distribution and water and renewable energy projects. The Hydrocarbon segment provides engineering procurement, construction and commissioning solutions for the global oil and gas Industry from front-end design through detailed engineering, modular fabrication, procurement, project management, construction, installation and commissioning. The Power segment includes turnkey solutions for coal-based and gas-based thermal power plants including power generation equipment with associated systems and balance-of-plant packages. The Heavy Engineering segment manufactures and distributes custom designed, engineered critical equipment and systems to core sector industries like fertiliser, refinery, petrochemical, chemical, oil and gas, thermal and nuclear power, aerospace and defence. The Defence Engineering segment refers to the design, development, and serial production and through life-support of equipment, systems and platforms for Defence and Aerospace sectors; and design, construction, and repair of defense vessels. The IT and Technology Services segment represents global IT services, digital solutions, and engineering and research and development. The Financial Services segment deals with the provision of retail finance, wholesale finance, and investment management services. The Development Projects segment refers to the roads and transmission projects, the Hyderabad Metro Rail project, and power development projects. The Others segment encompasses realty, smart world, and communication projects, marketing and servicing of construction and mining machinery and parts thereof and manufacture, sale of rubber processing machinery and digital platforms. The company was founded by Henning Holck-Larsen and Soren Kristian Toubro in 1938 and is headquartered in Mumbai, India.

Engineering & Construction


Primary Ticker


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