Xtrackers MSCI USA Consumer Staples ETF
Ticker: XUCS
0.12%Fund Volume
$343.84MAsset Class
YesReplication Method
Physical FullRegion
OtherCountry Based
XtrackersHistorical dividends and forecast
Xtrackers MSCI USA Consumer Staples ETF has so far distributed $1.004 in 2024. The next dividend will be paid on 07.03.2025
Region Breakdown
Sector Breakdown
- Consumer Staples82.85%
- Consumer Discretionary17.13%
- Other0.02%
Frequently asked questions
What is the Total Expense Ratio (TER) of Xtrackers MSCI USA Consumer Staples ETF?
The total expense ratio (TER) of Xtrackers MSCI USA Consumer Staples ETF is 0.12%. The TER represents the annual fees charged by the ETF provider, covering management costs and operational expenses. A lower TER can enhance your investment returns over time.
What is the fund volume of Xtrackers MSCI USA Consumer Staples ETF?
Xtrackers MSCI USA Consumer Staples ETF has a fund volume of $343.84M. Fund volume indicates the total assets under management (AUM) and reflects the ETF's size and liquidity. Larger fund volumes generally offer better liquidity and tighter bid-ask spreads.
Is Xtrackers MSCI USA Consumer Staples ETF paying dividends?
Xtrackers MSCI USA Consumer Staples ETF is a Distributing ETF. It distributes dividends to investors. The last payment was 05.09.2024, with an amount of $0.46.
What is the replication method used by Xtrackers MSCI USA Consumer Staples ETF?
Xtrackers MSCI USA Consumer Staples ETF uses a physical full replication method. In this approach, the ETF purchases all the securities in the underlying index in the exact proportions as the index. This ensures the most precise tracking of the index's performance since the ETF's holdings mirror the index completely.
In which country is Xtrackers MSCI USA Consumer Staples ETF domiciled?
Xtrackers MSCI USA Consumer Staples ETF is domiciled in Ireland. The domicile country can affect tax implications and regulatory oversight, which may influence your investment decisions.
1D span
52W span
The fund is passively managed. The aim is for your investment to track the performance, before fees and expenses, of the MSCI USA Consumer Staples Index. The index is based on the MSCI USA Index (Parent Index), which is designed to reflect the performance of large and medium sized companies representing 85% of the readily available shares in the United States of America. The index contains all of the constituents of the Parent Index assigned to the MSCI USA Consumer Staples classification.
Primary Ticker