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Wonderful post @ccf Actually, Michael is lazy to write, isn't he 😉 Quite a difficult topic. The bad thing is, no matter how sure you are about a company, the flood of information ensures that there are ALWAYS dozens of counter arguments. You really need thick skin if you decide to stay "in the loop". I also suffer a little from it. For me, however, it is actually better than simply isolating oneself from reality and being "ignorant". Unfortunately, one also sees from time to time.
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@Divmann It's true that for every good investment, there are at least as many bad opinions. The post does not even take into account that the sources of information have also changed incredibly. Nowadays, everyone can share his opinion publicly and it can be read millions of times. This is also unique in history.
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@MScottInvesting The bad thing is, the border between fact and opinion is no longer clear! I have learned early, the Helmut of Facebook one believes no statements about vaccinations. Unfortunately, however, many people seek opinions from others, and raise them to facts. This is also a very bad trend, nowadays you look for the "facts" to your opinion and form it not by facts. One finds for each garbage meaningful sounding texts in the Internet. Also a symptom of the information overload.
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@Divmann that's exactly how it is. As I said, we learn almost nowhere the right way to handle information and that includes the right filtering and processing. This is a huge problem of today, precisely because this information revolution has happened in such a short time.