Opinion for $CG1

Your opinion on this ETF?

Are you considering saving it further or would you prefer to put it directly into the iShares MCSI World?


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mMn the point of an ETF is to diversify... and I don't think that's the case with the DAX... if you want to overweight Europe or have a counterweight to the US share in the World then maybe a Stoxx600 or at least a Stoxx50... But I don't really see any sense in the DAX
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30 shares are a bit too little diversified for my taste for an ETF, then rather a number larger and a large German ETF, or directly a Euro Stoxx, would make more sense, at least for me
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I'm reading "Dax" - I almost want to puke 😶
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DAX is generally a big bummer. Far too few companies, high cluster risk due to land ties, insufficient diversification of companies, etc...

It would be nothing for me. Unless you want to map individual markets so that you can set your own weightings. But even then there are better options (MSCI Europe). Just my opinion and not investment advice.
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I would never buy it.
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