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With 9 positions and this volume, you don't have to clean up anything!
Leave it and watch the prices in your portfolio and learn from them. No portfolio in the world only goes up (even if some people claim it here). The important thing is to develop a feel for the stock market and understand that price fluctuations are completely normal and not the end of the world. Collect a few dividends as a motivator and otherwise keep feeding the portfolio. With the savings rate mentioned, you can probably retire at 50 (if you keep it up).
The stock market is a marathon - not a sprint! 🤓
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@Dividenden-Penner Thank you for the motivation. So you wouldn't change anything in my savings plan?
And could you perhaps explain to me how these dividends work?
So you get the dividends credited to your account (at least with Trade Republic), do you possibly know how I pay tax on all these things when dividends are exhausted?
Does the app do it automatically or do I have to take care of it myself?

Many thanks for the answer.
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@Wiktor_06 Make sure that the tax-free allowance (up to €1000) is entered with your broker, then you will not pay tax on capital gains such as dividends, interest and sales profits. Your bank will do everything else automatically.
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@Dividenden-Penner Thank you very much. As I only have "very few" assets anyway, I shouldn't have to worry about getting over €1000 a year.
Thank you very much !