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I am generally completely against animal cruelty, regardless of the species. But sharks 🦈 I also do not like separately, because these animals for the Surfer🏄‍♂️, swimmers 🏊‍♂️ and beach vacationers are an extremely great danger. Pity often keeps within limits, as with bad people so with predators 😬 With the lions (not my favorite animal) I understand that, because the lions never leave national park to surprise the people in the city/village with attack, but the poachers penetrate without permission in the national park, so that one can have understanding for lions (for the purpose of self-defense). But with the shark it is the other way around. No one went where the sharks linger, but the sharks go attacking where you are not far from the coast surfing and swimming and there is clearly a big difference.
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@TheDividendCollector Sharks do not pose a threat to humans 😅 yes there are shark attacks but not because the shark is hungry for human flesh. Sharks are like dogs... don't eat anything they don't know but are very curious. Swimmers and surfers are then just in their area - something new oh I'll take a closer look. It is zb almost never professionals from the water sports / divers / marine biologists etc bitten but only amateur / beginners. Why? Because they make mistakes and behave wrongly 😅 The shark is just as, if not less, (not) dangerous for humans as your lion.
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@TheDividendCollector can it be that you get your knowledge about sharks from movies like "the shallows" or "the white shark" ?
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@TheDividendCollector If you think that you will be eaten by the shark, really eaten and not just nibbled on, then you should definitely play the lottery. The chances of being attacked by the shark alone are tiny, and the fatalities are even rarer. Hippos and crocodiles are much more dangerous.
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@hendrik_lmr Go ahead and laugh at me, and if you think I'm bullshitting here. How about you go surfing (if you can't, then swimming) at the very spot where my kindergarten buddy and a few people were seriously wounded by the surprise shark attack a few years ago? Let's see if you can still laugh at one after that, should you have survived it 🙄!@coinmaster I honestly don't know the movies you mentioned and was referring to what happened to my buddy. Still from your point of view, were there never any reports in the news about shark attacks on the coast or do you only know something like that from the movies?
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@TheDividendCollector i laugh more because i celebrate your humor 😂 i assumed you were doing satire 💪🏽 if not then i am actually laughing at you
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@TheDividendCollector sorry of course for your buddy but the shark itself is not dangerous... of course there are unfortunate events is still a predator 😅 I can really only recommend videos from divers / marine biologists. These show very well the true nature of the shark :) vlt hilts yes. Sharks have unfortunately generally a bad reputation :D
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@Europoor found hippos as a child always fully sweet... the dinger are übelst brutal 😂
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@Europoor The difference is that you will be attacked by crocodiles and hippos if you approach them on your own responsibility and thus you consciously accept the danger and the risk. With sharks, as already described above, it is the other way around. You go surfing or swimming, at the place where actually hardly any sharks exist and are surprised and attacked. As long as you are not physically limited, you can escape from the crocodile without hesitation, if you would have been surprised by it in a distance of at least 1 meter and with a shark in the sea water? How likely is it that you will escape from the shark if it suddenly appears in the same distance in front of or below you and how much chance do you have then? I was once in the national park in Africa and have lions, cheetah, hyenas, crocodiles, hippopotamus, etc. in the company of park rangers live observe and nothing happened, despite the small distance between them and the SUV of the ranger. Even rhino and elephants were too close and posed no danger to us. As long as you follow the instructions and don't try anything stupid, everything is fine. With the shark (except for the much smaller ones at "puppy age") the probability is extremely low that you will get out of there without being hurt, no matter how hard you try not to do anything stupid near it.
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@TheDividendCollector to point one, as long as you stay calm and if necessary simply push the shark away from your head, you have nothing or little to fear. Of course, if you paddle and scream around like a world champion, you arouse the interest of the shark :D because that's how his prey usually reacts And to point 2: National parks you can not compare with the wilderness. The food of the animals contains calming substances. I can assure you that you will not survive an encounter with these animals in the wild😅.