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Doesn't the FDA wave everything through anyway 😅
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@Twizzi not really
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@Twizzi You have to look at it the right way, spreading something like that is just plain dangerous. With pharmaceuticals, over 90% don't make it to the FDA final stage and then only just over 50% are accepted. With medical products, 80% get there and just under 50% are accepted. Simply put, only the best products make it to FDA at all and then half of them fail
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@topicswithhead Well, they failed completely with OxyContin.
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@Ash Of course, mistakes are also made in between, even if they shouldn't be, but that can also have other reasons. Nevertheless, it is not simply permeable and in Europe it is even stricter
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@topicswithhead @DerMartin @Barsten I thought they even partially classified the Healy for pain problems ?
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@Twizzi What qualifies you to make a more informed judgment here than the FDA?
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@DerMartin well look at the healy 😅 I can also sit close to my car radio and think I'm being healed
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@topicswithhead was only a "small mistake" that you can just wave through 😂😂
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@DonkeyKongx do not understand your comment here if you have not studied biochemistry or pharmacy or co what and how do you want to contribute to FDA. Just say that a lot of things fall through, which is nonsense and not everything