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In general, I do not understand the trend of my young generation to build their lives on debt. Most of them graduate and when they get their first job, they go to the nearest premium car dealership and agree on a uselessly expensive lease or financing. The main thing is to show what you do not have. 🤨 But what purpose should more loans for people with low incomes serve? More useless consumer spending? You don't solve the problem with the loan, but merely postpone it with an installment payment. A loan that I would have really wished for in Germany would be an education loan. So everyone would have the possibility to finance a further education without cutbacks. The economy would have super educated people, the employee would have a higher income and better chances for the future and the state would have higher tax revenues because of it.
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@Hannes_SK in Germany it is unfortunately the case that it is easier to obtain a cosum loan than an education loan. 🙄
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@oliverplass But who are you doing it for in the end? Sure, yourself first of all. But who benefits most from it afterwards? - The state in significantly higher tax revenues usually. But you will hopefully not pay the fees with euros? 🤣 Fun.
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@Cro Yes, that's how it is. There are many things that bother me about Germany. Due to the fact that structurally and politically there will probably be no turnaround. On the contrary, the politics of illogic is increasing exponentially. So I have already decided in 2020 to reorient myself. 😅
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@Hannes_SK we buy things we don't need from money we don't have to impress people we don't like. Seems legit 👍
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@DonkeyInvestor It's really unfortunate. But nowadays it's easy to maneuver yourself into financial problems. Everything is easy on the outside and sleepless nights at home. I've been studying for three years, now I'm going to treat myself. 🙄 Whether this is the important way. In the end, you don't get the Zwegart generation under control, you breed it. What's going wrong in this country. Maybe you should tackle the subject of "personal finances" at school. And not just as a minor subject. Today, at 40, I would have liked to see something like that in school.
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@Zony in principle I am with you, but I see this very much as part of the training / studies and not already in school
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@DonkeyInvestor do not you think that from the 5/6 class something like that should be addressed 🤔. Maybe a stupid example or even a bad comparison, but sexuality is also addressed earlier and earlier in school. Because it is also ubiquitous earlier and earlier. Why not also the financial topic.
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@Zony because at that age - in contrast to sexuality - it is still much too far away. Besides, there are lots of things that could / should be taught. What makes the topic more important / relevant than other topics? In training / studies, you have to deal with money for the first time. Accordingly, I would also teach it when the majority of adolescents / young adults also need it for the first time.
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@DonkeyInvestor @Zony
Isn't the real question behind this, why did it happen this way?! It's not just my generation (mid-20s and younger). Even in the age groups of the 80s/90s children, this phenomenon of exorbitant lifestyle is nevertheless very pronounced. Is it therefore not rather a social mediation that was once steered in the wrong direction, in favor of consumption, in favor of the economy? Don't Instagrammer, Tiktoker and Youtuber give this life-style, what the world only costs?! As long as in the daily media consumption it is exemplified that it depends only on splendor outwardly to show and character values to put on, nobody is helped any more. Therefore it would also never exercise a use to work on the topic in schools. In fact, hardly anyone would be interested in it, because society lives out the opposite example.