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Spoken like a lion haha😆
I can only agree with that - at least as far as Bitcoin is concerned :D
Respect for your portfolio💪 2025 then 7 digits
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@stefan_21 I think it makes sense that we have other blockchains. It would be boring if there was only Real Madrid (bitcoin only). This gives you the chance to get a little more return with "performance" and then convert it into BTC ;-)Thanks, let's see.
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@Danibanani The meaning is debatable :D
But you can definitely earn money and your success proves you right :)
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@stefan_21 Sense of purpose: It's about seeing the progress of technologies and moving forward instead of staying in the "here and now". You can see how impressive and innovative the BTC blockchain is. Creating something so unique digitally is truly remarkable. I think it's awesome :D
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@Danibanani Absolutely, I agree with you 100%💯
I also think it's awesome that you didn't lose faith after 80% minus, but kept going👌
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@stefan_21 That was a really "hard" time, but I still haven't fully understood how the whole thing works. Afraid that it would crash into the abyss. When I read about Bitcoin's four-year cylce (halving etc) for the first time ..... my jaw dropped.
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@Danibanani I felt the same way... the path to understanding Bitcoin... absolutely crazy😅 although in my opinion you can't understand it 100% anyway. I find the idea so fascinating that some dude probably sat in the basement and developed Bitcoin, waited until the financial crash of 2008 to create a founding myth, then published the whitepaper and then after 2 years simply disappeared completely from the face of the earth and never moved his Bitcoin.

If that had been me, I would have told my buddies after the 3rd beer at the latest haha😂