
Every success has its learning phases. In 2018, 80% of my portfolio was in the red and I thought to myself: "My goodness, have you burned through your money?" I had existential fears and feared that I'd blown my wife's and my own money. For two years, I researched and read intensively every day about what Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies actually are. I continued to invest and understood the future potential of Bitcoin & Co.

I am still convinced that we are only at the beginning. Even if the current phase is no longer a pre-sale market, it is still a "young" market that will develop into an established market in the coming years.

I can only recommend it to everyone: Read what Bitcoin is, understand what cryptocurrencies are, and recognize the differences! Start with small savings rates and don't stand on the sidelines and just watch. A portfolio that includes a portion of cryptocurrencies is certainly a good thing.

Unfortunately, I listened to my brother-in-law in 2010 and didn't get into Bitcoin.

Of course, I can't say whether I would have sold prematurely or lost everything due to a hack, but I would have liked to have taken the learning effect with me at the time. I would certainly have understood the Bitcoin Cycle better and managed it better from 2017 onwards.

P.S.: Yes, I love cryptocurrencies, and the monthly downward trend is quite severe, but you learn immensely when you recognize the potential. This is the only way to act according to the motto "Never Sell in Red" with Bitcoin.

With this in mind, I wish you a good rest of the week.

Your Banani

$BTC (-0.01%)
$ETH (+0.08%)
$ADA (+0.06%)

This is not investment advice!


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I can empathize with that... I started investing in BTC in January of this year. In this case, however, it's just play money from me, as I haven't yet been able to convince or inspire my wife about BTC.

I made my first purchases on TR and have now switched to 21bitcoin, where the savings plan starts in September.

At the moment I also feel a bit overwhelmed by the topic, as it is so incredibly complex and my technical understanding is really at embryo status. But thanks to @stefan_21 @Alpalaka @Testo-Investor and @DonkeyInvestor, I learn something new here every day, and questions are always answered in a nice and friendly way. I can also highly recommend all the old/known posts by members. Real treasures that should be unearthed. 👑🥇🏆

Today I started watching this Arte report on YouTube to better understand the history, idea and basics:

Mysterium Satoshi | Bitcoin - how it all began

Here's to success and, above all, good health for us all. 🚀🍀
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Spoken like a lion haha😆
I can only agree with that - at least as far as Bitcoin is concerned :D
Respect for your portfolio💪 2025 then 7 digits
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Where does young market assessment come from? What needs to develop for an established market?
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I had 400 euros in the market in April and sold it again at the time with a profit of around 100 euros because I didn't want the coins at Trade Republic. This month (unfortunately not when we were at 48k in the meantime, as I had to register on a platform first) I got in at 53k with a total of 1300 in several stages. Savings plan with 50 euros a week is set. That's not much by my standards, but Bitcoin is a "sideline" for me. A small position in BTC (compared to the overall portfolio) will also help me withstand lows.
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Now the Shitcoins from the portfolio and it's perfect😁
To be honest, I still have one leftover besides BTC. But it will be exchanged for Bitcoin in the next bull market.

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