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Will driving schools even be necessary in 10 or 20 years when we have self-driving cars? That crossed my mind the other day, driving instructor would be one of my dream jobs, but disruption threatens here too. By the way, the graphic with the car is cool, did you make it? I've been driving a Toyota MR2 like that from the 80s for 17 years.
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@Investmentknecht The idea of self-driving cars also crossed my mind. However, I think that there is still a very long way to go before fully autonomous traffic and that even then you would need a license to drive these cars, as someone would always have to intervene in an emergency.

Driving instructors are currently in high demand and earn accordingly. The training only takes 8 months. So go for it. 💪🏼

The graphics in my posts are mine, but I also have access to a database of motifs, which I adapt. ☺️
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@aktienimpuls cool, I didn't know that there was a shortage of staff in this sector, I'll look into it more closely. I just noticed that you can barely make ends meet with a driving school 🤔