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I think it's great that you take a self-critical look at the influencer scene! However, I wonder if you could say that anyone who buys shares based on a YouTube short simply doesn't deserve any better than paying an apprenticeship fee? You have to be quite naive to do that and even so many disclaimers don't protect you from that.
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@Epi You're not wrong there. However, I worry about people who are overwhelmed and fall for an "easy way out". So take the video at face value without being able (or wanting)to ask critical questions 👍.
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@BASS-T I would say: if you are overwhelmed, you will inform yourself until you are no longer overwhelmed. And those who want to fall for the "easy way out" will do so despite your clarification. I think it is important to point out the problem of shorts. Fighting against this is a task for Don Quixote.