Portfolio Feedback

Hello everyone,

I would also like to introduce myself and my portfolio briefly and succinctly.

I've been a silent reader for a few months now. Now it's time to reveal a bit about myself.

About me:

My name is Maria, I'm 35 years old and I live in Europe. I live for rent. I work in the business world as a manager.

I started investing in 2017 or 18, but stopped again in 2021. I started again towards the end of 2023 and am now here. I was mainly triggered by Finfluencer. There's good and bad. Good: I started investing again. Bad: I bought a lot of things blindly (which are no longer in the portfolio). I am now trying to straighten this out and no longer follow such people.

Monthly savings rate approx. 365 €.

I am fully invested, including Not Groschen because I can afford it and I want to make up for the lost years.

About the portfolio:

The aim is to create a healthy mix of growth, dividend (growth) and a stable, healthy basis. The dividends also serve somewhat as a "motivator", but ultimately my goal is to generate a passive income.

As mentioned above, I have (or had) some stocks in my portfolio that I wasn't happy with, so I recently cleaned them out and reallocated the capital that had been freed up. Roughly speaking, I would generally like to have fewer individual shares in my portfolio and will be weighting them towards ETFs.

The individual stocks in the portfolio:

  • $$HMWO (+1.24%) and likewise $XDWL (+1.27%) are a pillar of my portfolio. Run with a weekly savings plan. Two MSCI World to collect dividends in different months and possibly avoid the FIFO principle
  • $HMCH (+2.47%) I am unsure here. I thought China would escalate, but it doesn't look like it at the moment. On the other hand, China can hardly go any lower. It is currently valued similarly to Austria. Running a monthly savings plan. I'm thinking of selling it and getting a broadly diversified emerging markets ETF.
  • $QYLE (-0.67%) Maybe a rookie mistake, maybe not. I have actually deleted the savings plan here, but now, due to the price slumps of the last few days, I will buy another tranche on the 16th via a savings plan. Let's see
  • $O (-2.72%) Largest single share position. I normally prefer weekly savings plans as I have various income streams and the constant investing motivates me. Here, however, I try to set the savings plan monthly so that I take the dividend discount with me.
  • $JEGP (-0.63%) It has recently become a pillar of my portfolio. Dividend growth, share price growth will hopefully follow, few fluctuations. I like it. It's weekly until late and provides me with good dividends every month.
  • $LIN (+0.07%) Was one of those blind herd buys, but I will hold the share as I think it is a quality company from the low weighted industrial sector and they have an oligopoly with Air liquide.
  • The 2 accumulating world ETFs, momentum and quality, should outperform the normal MSCI World in the long term. Let's see
  • $MPW (-3.18%) The news at the beginning of the year was very negative, but I thought they had been punished too much and the intrinsic value exceeded the market capitalization at the time. So I got in three or four tranches near the low and was lucky.
  • $SCHD I bought very recently and have to admit that I was triggered by the forum posts here. But I think it fits quite well into my strategy.
  • $EWG2 (+0.99%)
    $STHY (-0.87%)
    $XUHY (+0.9%) In my opinion, gold and bonds belong in every portfolio in order to provide opportunities and stability even in difficult market situations. However, I'm not sure whether I have the right corporate bond ETFs and should perhaps go for long-term government bonds.

Please feel free to give me feedback on my portfolio.

Have a nice weekend everyone!


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Making up for lost ground is always a bad thing. The motivation to get a lot out of it is always a bad thing.

What strikes me immediately is that there are many different ETFs, so you would probably be better off with an All World or the MSCI ACWI IMI as a solid basis. Plus a few solid individual stocks that you deliberately want to overweight without chasing current trends or hot topics. There are so many individual stocks that you could buy and you should be all the more selective when buying them.
With 365€ everything in an ETF and you do 200% better than with this depot.
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In any case, you are thinking about your positions. I think that's good!

-I would still build up a nest egg, but in your case it would be much smaller (e.g. 3-6 months' net salary)

-On your two world ETFs. How exactly do you want to avoid the FIFO principle if you invest in both at the same time?
Actually, you would have to save in one ETF (e.g. $HMWO ) and switch to the $XDWL in, say, 10 years' time and withdraw the last one you saved in when you get older.

- $HMCH I would switch to a normal EM or take up an ex-China EM. This will give you more cover if you really want to invest there. I myself "shy away" from investing there and only have the $VWRL with approx. 25% custody account volume (but I no longer save there)

- $EXI2, $XSXD, $VWRL, $JRDG are somehow lost positions that I can't really allocate in the portfolio.

- $XDEM and $XDEQ in combination with normal world ETFs. I don't know whether it's better to focus on one direction or just take one of the two as an addition to the world ETF (e.g. 60% normal world ETF, 20% strategy world ETF, 20% dividend ETF, ...).

- $SCHD looks interesting in terms of its composition 👌but I don't know what it's like as it's in a US ETF/fund.

- Also think about whether you really need the dividends to this extent or whether it shouldn't just be a smaller addition to your portfolio. In addition to the dividend ETFs, you also have some high-dividend companies in your portfolio.

- Also consider whether you would rather split your savings rate between 2-3 ETFs instead of doing everything somehow.

- At your age, I don't think bonds are really necessary when building up your assets. For the "security component", I prefer overnight money / fixed-term deposits. Bonds are also subject to price fluctuations.

- Gold ... everyone has to know for themselves, but is also subject to fluctuations.
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Hello, you talk about "strategy". What is it? With most stocks, you get the impression that they ended up in the portfolio as a result of impulse decisions and "strategy" is the attempt to make a halfway sensible rhyme out of them afterwards. 😉

Depending on your time horizon, risk tolerance, return expectations and level of knowledge, it is perfectly possible to create an optimal portfolio (based on past returns and future expectations). Whether you have done this work, I don't know. 🤷
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What do you think of the idea of buying the $QYLE now due to the latest price slump?
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How do you manage to invest in $SCHD? It is not a UCITS ETF tradable in Europe.
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I also have $QYLE. the distribution is fine
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