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Cool post so it was me and my partner last year. Just decided to carry the loan completely on my own. I also plan in 6 to 7 years the property again abzusoßen or rent to then move into a new larger home. I have not chosen a new building but something Renovierungsbedurftiges With the completion went the heart but 3 days later unfortunately a water damage. Property can be a curse and a blessing you much erfolg❤️ will you annually sondertilgen?
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@Koenigmidas thank you! Hope you can take a good return. :)
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@VP If I'm honest, I'm not worried about the return, because I was able to get the property below market value, because the property was no longer suitable for the owner. And in our country the real estate market is also very expensive and in great demand. If the real estate is too expensive, no one wants it, if it is too cheap, our nice neighbors buy it as a vacation home.
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@Koenigmidas True 😅
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@VP almost forgot the primary goal is rent and debt free at 40. the return is only secondary 🙃
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@Koenigmidas If possible, make full use of unscheduled repayments every year, yes. As I said, it gives us more peace of mind to get the loan through quickly.