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It is perfectly legitimate for a financial services provider not to offer certain assets if - for whatever reason - they do not fit into the portfolio.

Of course, crypto fans don't like this because it removes a market segment that would bring liquidity (and therefore rising prices).

But the savings bank is weighing up the options here: do we get the transaction fees (which is completely risk-free for the savings bank) or would we rather offer our customers assets that we consider to be safer?

Let's not forget: Anyone who invested in BTC around November 2021 was in the red for three years.

Can Bitcoin continue to go "to da moon"? Of course it can!

Can it go close to zero? Just as possible.
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@Charmin The savings bank can do what it wants, that's not what I was getting at. The information in the article is just nonsense😅
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@stefan_21 What's the point? The risks/disadvantages described are all correct ...
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@Charmin Well, I don't even know where to start😅

Maybe I'll write a post about it in the next few days and go through the statements in the article...

But the biggest nonsense is $BITG as the "better Bitcoin" hinzustellen🤷‍♂️