Depends on how many shares we are talking about...
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@M9D7 No, it doesn't. It just depends on how much return you expect from Bayer and how much from an alternative asset
@DonkeyInvestor does it make no difference to you whether you have 5k or 200k in there?

With 5k no cock crows but with 200k it would be stupid not to redeploy a part of it
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@M9D7 of course it makes no difference at all.
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@M9D7 I don't even know how to answer the question. Why should it make a difference? If the investment no longer fits, then it doesn't matter whether it's worth 50 or 500k. Nobody should give anything away.
@DonkeyInvestor quite simply
OP seems to have neither a high risk appetite nor much knowledge. If there is 200k in it, it would simply be pointless. At 5k it doesn't matter.
@M9D7 Currently just under 16k.
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@M9D7 Why doesn't it itch and why would anyone have even 50 euros lying around somewhere where it makes no sense?
@DonkeyInvestor read again
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@M9D7 you let again