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@user75dcfead6ed9465b 2% is still more than 0%👀😉
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@user75dcfead6ed9465b don't you have any cash reserves?
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@user75dcfead6ed9465b just as well you could say who wants shares at -20% yield 😅
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@DasistderWeg @Pepkolino @EnjoyCapitalism What was actually the original comment 😅? In my case it says that the user and the comment were deleted 😂... and I was not fast enough
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@derlieblingsbanker it was about why we are so happy about the 2% interest when stocks give 7% and you should rather invest, if I have not confused now😅
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@derlieblingsbanker 2% return is a joke with 8% inflation prefer all in stocks