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I save and invest so that I don't have to work until 75. I also want to enjoy my life and be free, but that is not possible if you spend your whole life on the leash of your employer. Financial freedom is the true freedom and not 2 weeks a year to go for a walk on the beach or to have a car that makes louder Brum Brum than the others.
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@EnjoyCapitalism and you can't do both at the same time? This is not a call to throw money out of the window, but why save e.g. 700€ when you can do 500€ ☺️
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@EnjoyCapitalism The Greens are making us poor and dependent. I feel sorry for the people who have life insurance or Riester.
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@Christoph_Kral what do the Greens have to do with it? Lg.
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@DiFigiANo yes, if you have the luxury to save either 700 or 500 okay. But there are enough people who prefer to save 0 instead of 200. And that's just plain bullshit. And who sees the other way can get in touch again at an old age. I give him then my empties
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@DiFigiANo yes, if you have the luxury to save either 700 or 500 okay. But there are enough people who prefer to save 0 instead of 200. And that's just plain bullshit. And who sees the other way can get in touch again at an old age. I give him then my empties
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@Flaxam I'm right there with you! Therefore, also the addition, if you can afford it, which would correspond to eg my example 👍
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@Jackyderfuchs because the Greens obviously pursue bad policies and insane ideologies.