
Savings rate? Unnecessary!

Caution. Trigger warning for r/finanzler and All-World savers.

TL;DR: Saving is not everything in life. Treat yourself more and have fun investing.

Today a somewhat different contribution from me.

As we drive along the Scottish coasts here on vacation, the thought keeps coming to me, why should I do without something like this? Because of the savings rate? Never!

Often I read here, you have to save here, you have to save there, etc., that is unnecessary and that too....


Don't be so bitter Germans, who always and everywhere want to save.

They always say, pay off your loans first, before you invest! Why should you? Then half here would no longer invest.

Then no one with a house loan would be allowed to invest anymore.

Also with the car is always argued, it must bring you only from A to B.

Primarily that is correct. But do I go to work for it? Do I save money because of it? No!

If you want a car, what you like, then get it! Then just 10k € must be financed? If you can afford it, then go for it! I do not do it differently, shit on the 300€ per month, which I could invest more, I like to drive my car, I like to wash it, I am happy to get in in the morning. That is the important thing.

Treat yourself to something in life. Don't live only to die bitterly with 500k in your deposit. They will bring you nothing when you die. At best, your children will also have to pay inheritance tax for your great compound interest and tax deferral.

Saving for what, if you don't use your money anyway? so you can say, I have 659k in the deposit? Do you work to make a great life for yourself or to rub one off on your savings rate?

Go on vacation and pay a little more, no one can take away your memories. Not even the state when you die.

Have fun in life!

That also applies to shares. If someone wants to tell you, eRsT aB sum X aUfwÄrTs iN eInZelAkTieN, ignore directly. You are certainly not on this platform to find out which WorldETF you can save 0.02 TER on.

Invest in companies that you like, that you like and that are stable.

Take also times nen trend with and burn some money, that simply belongs to it. We are not professionals here, learning by doing.

You do not have to analyze every company down to the footnote, especially not "BlueChips". This has often been done by others. You don't check again if your car has been approved by the TÜV. And if everything is already priced in anyway. Equivalently, you already have rust on your car.

Develop your own strategy! Look what fits best to you. You want to have it easy? Take an ACWI/All-World. You want to feel like a fund manager? Take a World+EM and rebalance it again and again. (is also completely nonsensical, unless you want to limit profits). You want Core Satellite Uranus Sun Milky Way Strategy? Allow yourselves. Do you prefer dividends? No, you don't need 50k€ to make it worthwhile. Goes also with 100€ in the month. BöRsE iS a marAtHoN, not a sPrInT. A mixture of everything? Feel free! All-In $BTC because 1 BTC always 1BTC? Go for it!

It's your money, not other people's. The only thing you should not do is to use Sparkasse or VR-Bank, they and their funds are just too expensive and criminals usually are too.

Have fun investing and show others how easy and great it can be to be part of capitalism and that this is not always bad!

I will also try something new soon and share it with you. For this I even sold my World ETF. Because bubble and all! Thanks @oliverplass 😂 No fun, let me surprise you, what's coming. Certainly interesting for one or the other 👍🏻

How do you see it? Are you more Team Bitter German saver or Team Fun in life?

Peace out!

And for @BASS-T and @Divmann

No investment advice.



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I save and invest so that I don't have to work until 75. I also want to enjoy my life and be free, but that is not possible if you spend your whole life on the leash of your employer. Financial freedom is the true freedom and not 2 weeks a year to go for a walk on the beach or to have a car that makes louder Brum Brum than the others.
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So rub me rather to distract me from the red depot 🌚 I am therefore rather team money burning
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To the final question "Team bitter German" or "Team fun in life" It is not always everything black and white in life. I think with the expenditure it is not about that one should treat himself nothing. But it's also about thinking about what you're going to spend your money on in the first place. Especially in the younger society is "on credit" and "on installments" so incredibly booming that it is for many really existentially dangerous. Simply because it is so accepted and almost everyone does it. I get weekly in my job requests from all these companies whether I want to advertise as a cooperation partner for them. I categorically refuse, because there is always a lot of playing with people and coupled with social media, many people develop claims on objects and things that actually do not arise from their own ME but from the social demand to keep up with the others. And the step to develop claims on things that you can not afford, but then frighteningly only a small. Since I am professionally active in exactly the area, I experience this every day again and again that especially the social media for many people is simply a blatant amplifier. You should treat yourself to what makes you really happy from your own heart. To do this, however, you must have exactly the point for themselves detached from the social norm first clear! Sounds philosophical, but that is the absolute basis first to know what REALLY makes you happy. And you can allow yourself that. I see it so often that people buy expensive things... and a week later the.... "and now what" feeling sets in. And those are exactly the things you would have been better off not indulging in.
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That's it! ❤️ paired with a savings rate of 30%. This crappy "either, or". Simply both!
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Even though I don't see a lot of things that differently, I loathe your life-coaching style of writing 🤮
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I can't pigeonhole myself in either of these two ways. That's because, for me, money is not synonymous with joie de vivre. Most of the things I like to do don't cost me money, but time. I am passionate about road biking, hiking, meeting friends and family, spending time with my partner, and I have about a 50-60% savings rate. If I won the lottery tomorrow, I would change next to nothing in my spending habits. I think we should be very critical of the belief that mainly consumption makes you happy. Look at world travelers; there are the most fun-loving people mostly in the Mongolian steppe, in the rural part of Albania or in Iran. Not exactly the people who have real dough. To have more money for medical care, for nice trips, for old age security etc. than a Mongolian cattle herder is of course nevertheless reasonable. Drawing your happiness (largely) from purchases like an expensive car is difficult in the long run, I think. (I drive 2 hours a day and enjoy the comfort of a mid-range car, work in the auto industry and knew all the makes inside out at 3 years old, but look at it much more rationally now.) I'm investing so that in a few years I'll have even more time for the finer things in life by shortening my work hours. But I'm glad about everyone who hustles more, consumes more and drives the economy with it 😃
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The😂 for the last sentence😂 👍 Because you're right category fun-bitter German saver without savings rate, savings book and savings bank fund 😂.
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Simply do both. To what extent everyone must determine for themselves 👍🏼
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Oh yeah. I don't follow any official strategy or give anything to "the company may only take so and so much % in my portfolio". My focus is simply to invest in companies (in addition to the all-world) that I find interesting, that I like, or even quite stupidly, that I want to be a part of. And if I only want to save 50€ a month at the moment, that's just then so🤷‍♂️
You wrote it yourself "if one can afford it", exactly that is the point! But what does that mean. Most people here save (as I understand it) to close their pension gap in old age, which in my opinion is one of the essential things in life, just like a liability insurance, which you should not do without. If there is money left over, I agree with you, you should buy things that make you happy, but not every mindless consumption makes you permanently happy, and you should make this distinction, but you don't have to, because you can afford it. But many people can't do that, they have nothing or only little money left over to save, and I don't think it's good to say something like "oh fuck it, buy that unnecessarily big car". Especially if you are not so well off, like most of the people in this bubble here, you should pay more attention to the reserves for retirement than current consumption. That is my opinion anyway

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