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When you're crunching a lot of numbers, more accurate sources would be helpful. How sure are you about the performance of the S&P 500? For a similar period, including dividends but net of tax, I'd say 10-11% per year, not 9-10% per year. What makes you now that we are in the bear market? Overall, but interesting first contribution. @ccf
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@DonkeyInvestor The raw data are from I calculated the returns from each myself. The bond market has been falling for about 3 years, which can be called a bear market ;)
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@Akandivizi You can get a kick out of the ccf from the donkey 👍🚀
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@Akandivizi thank you. Yes, the info was missing from the post. Both
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@DonkeyInvestor Thanks for the tip, I have now linked all the sources.