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I just think to myself, when my deposit is at 500k I'll start working less. 😅
Isn't that more or less the case? Do you think you're closer to a million?
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@Tobi60 Yes and no. So I like working. I'm self-employed in a trade and really enjoy it. But of course I want to work less than 60-80 hours at some point. But in order to have fewer losses this year, I've made extreme changes to my portfolio, which will of course cost me a lot in terms of performance, but that's what the dividends are for.
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@Hotte1909 I've also been self-employed in the trades for 15 years, but I never manage 60-80 hours a week. I finish work at 5 p.m. and we work maybe 4 times a year on Saturdays. Nobody thanks you anyway. I do a bit of office work after work every day, but I don't count that as work.
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@Tobi60 I still do agriculture and forestry as a sideline. That's about 10-20 hours a week
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@Hotte1909 If that's the case, I'm afraid you'll never really enjoy your life, no matter how high the dividends and the portfolio are
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@Puki Oh yes. Farming is a hobby. I come from the deepest Sauerland. Every second child here sleeps in tractor pyjamas. I grew up with farming. I also have to say that I don't have any animals. I only farm grassland and forest, it's just fun. Yes, not understandable for many. But my son loves it just as much and is always there on the tractor. And yes, I also have a craft business that earns a good living. I have to work a bit more for that, but I don't have to turn over a euro twice, I can fly to the sun for 4 weeks a year and have enough fun in life 😉
@Tobi60 Very good, keep up the good work.
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@Tobi60 It always depends on how old you are. You can certainly live comfortably for quite a while on 500k alone, but not necessarily until you jump into the sack.

Let's assume you make a 10 percent return per year, then that's 37k (after deducting taxes) that you still have to live on.

Of course, that's already very decent, but will it last long into the future?