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Thanks for the great review. I agree and for me the book was in a way life changing or pushed me into the Rabbithole whereby I had the honor to look deeper into Bitcoin which improved my relation and attitude towards money. Nevertheless I would not recommend the book for everyone who is interested in cryptocurrencies in general but for people who are interested in Bitcoin, only Bitcoin. Because Bitcoin is the only cryptocurrency that brings these good (at least as it is described in the book) features of money, while other cryptocurrencies are more about smart contracts, NFTs, DeFi etc. These are 2 different shoes, but the review is still great @ccf
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@Stewie although the book also deals with altcoins, smart contracts, ... ... is also covered. The focus is, of course, different.
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@DonkeyInvestor Yeah just says altcoins suck or not? It's been a long time since I read this and I don't remember the part but I know Saifedean's take on altcoins.
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@Stewie yo, says altcoins suck 😅
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@DonkeyInvestor Agree 98% also