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When I read something like that, I always think of the following quote from Kostolany:

"I can't tell you how to get rich quick, but I can tell you how to get poor quick: by trying to get rich quick."
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@wormii I immediately thought of Warren Buffett's answer to Jeff Bezos' question "Why doesn't everyone just copy your investment style?": "nobody wants to get rich slowly"
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@wormii Do you know how not to get rich? By not daring to do anything, by not taking any risks and by dwelling on quotes from people who have had shit luck in their lives.
@leveragegrinding You only get rich if you get stock tips on Getquin! 🤡
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@FinFit absolute
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@wormii if you want to get rich quick, be sure to ask @Fresh, he regularly buys his groceries in high-end luxury stores :)
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@leveragegrinding Are you trying to tell me that Kostolany was just lucky in life?

And it's not about not taking risks. If you look at my portfolio, you'll see that I have an affinity for risk. The saying refers to his impatience, not his willingness to take risks.
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@wormii 37% Tesla, you can just buy levers like him
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@leveragegrinding I bought Tesla 4 years ago, which is why the position is so large. You can see that from the return of over 1500%. In the overall view of all portfolios, it is lower because I bought some more recently. This is a long-term investment. I will hold it for years to come.
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Rather drill for oil or gas😂🙈
@wormii All well and good, but if anyone knows how to get rich quick, it's dronix. For some unknown reason, he just doesn't do it. Nevertheless, his tips seem to work more than 50% of the time