@MoneyISnotREAL Yes, this is about cash flow. As written in the 1st post, I am planning with 3 pillars. Each pillar should generate at least 2k per month. If I only invest here and do nothing, it won't quite be enough. I may also want to bridge a few years by "relaxing" until retirement. But I'll write more about that later.
@tjwr ETFs are cool, but they don't work for me. I don't feel comfortable with them. Unfortunately, it's emotional and not necessarily rational 😁... but for me, the stock market and my money are an emotional matter. Anyone who can really separate the two has my utmost respect. 🙌💪
@RenteRenditeReisen It's perfectly legitimate 👌 The great thing about the stock market is that everyone can go their own way. There is no one right or wrong way.
I didn't read/see your first posts, only this one. Hence my "blunt" question about ETFs.
The way I see it, you have a plan and know your stuff. So, go for it!