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Phew, there is a lot to do if you want to start your own business now, trade office, parents' permission and family court. Keep it up, should it not work, always keep trying.
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@Chrisuonfireles I will thank you💪
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@Chrisuonfireles What is the family court for? 112 BGB is not relevant at all. He is neither running a trade nor is a license necessary. A small trade at the trade office should be sufficient. Otherwise, he must be represented by his parents in all business dealings anyway.
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@tim1 I was concerned with the determination of maturity and that the school is not neglected, in principle I agree with you, but also do not know what extent it will take with him, just have an example in mind there it ran so (15 or 16 year old high school graduate).
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@Chrisuonfireles I see it similarly. This should be a priority. 112 BGB makes the minor, who otherwise has limited legal capacity, fully competent in his commercial transaction. But only in this area. Tends to be more worthwhile if you do it full-time or if the business requires it. Whereby it is certainly exhausting, if one needs the legal representatives for all actions. And 13 is now really an age, there one has perhaps not yet the maturity and experience around everything exactly to regard.