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ah good to know, then you can just go All In SC
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small caps could benefit after interest rate cuts because they can access money more cheaply for investments. but if there is no profit from the investments, there will be nothing.
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I have also had Tetra Tech on my watch list for some time. It's definitely an interesting company. I think the problem - as with most infrastructure companies - is the dependence on government projects. Sustainability is still in vogue. What happens when the money for this runs out or is no longer made available? https://aktie.traderfox.com/visualizations/US88162G1031/EI/tetra-tech-inc
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Hello my dear Memo,
To be brief.
Water is becoming the new gold.
And Tetra Tech treats water in areas where there is already no drinking water and is the most valuable.
I have already shared a lot about Tetra Tech.
Including a video analysis by Martin Goersch.

Tetra Tech is in my portfolio

Jesus turned water into wine
Tetra Tech turns water into drinking water.
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Who says they should run better in the future?
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Extremely boring. 😳
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