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In the FTSE All-World. That way you don't have any stress
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@DasStimmt You can't make such a general statement without knowing his investment horizon.
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@Ole-Abeln... and without knowing the risk tolerance. 6%pa at 60% max drawdown is not for everyone. I think very few people understand what that actually means, conceptually, economically and psychologically.
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@Epi right I have written in another comment also everything not everyone leave -30% or even more cold
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@Ole-Abeln This is a highly underestimated difficulty of B&H. After 10 years of stock market boom with max 15% drawdown, it is easy to think that one will survive the next crisis. Very few people make it.
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@Epi I must say to Corona with -30 to -40 percent it was relatively well bearable. However, the whole thing was also quickly over again. Looking at losses over several years is quite another matter
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@DasStimmt top answer. Or just MSCI World + MSCI India or MSCI EM
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@Ole-Abeln best then not to answer at all, because the questioner has given little information to be able to give him advice 😄