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Iberdrola pays the half-year dividend in the form of subscription rights. The booking of the subscription rights is considered an inflow for tax purposes and is therefore subject to capital gains tax. With some brokers, these subscription rights can be traded, but as far as I know, the booking is obligatory and takes place at a ratio of 60:1
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@RoronoaZoro Okay. That sounds plausible. What do I do with it now? I have no idea.
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@Stereomane You have 2 possibilities as far as I can see: 1. you buy so many subscription rights on the market that you have 60, because 60 BR are 1 share. Your broker should then credit you with 1 share 2. you sell your BR on the market, so that other market participants can fill up the 60 BR.
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@D-Duck I think you don't get the possibility to give an instruction with Iberdrola, at least with most German brokers, like Scalable here, but on e.g. Consor doesn't give you the possibility to do so as far as I'm informed.
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@D-Duck I just do not quite understand what you want to get at 😅
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Okay, Scalable has not told me anything about this. I wait now times, what the support writes. Possibly the instruction can be given for the future or another option is offered. In case of need I have to transfer the whole thing to a "premium broker", such as comdirect etc..
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@RoronoaZoro @Stereomane The PDF for the instruction is already in the mailbox at Baader Bank. Feedback until 13.01.
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@GoDividend Good keyword. I logged in once and a cash dividend is actually supposed to be paid out. There are no to dos from my side.
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@RoronoaZoro In the past, it was always the case that I did not have to take any action. After the deadline, I received the shares in full or in fractions.