
Good evening my Bearler,


I find it crazy every time I sell a stock.... In one fell swoop 25% of the gains gone. 🙄🙄🙄


How do you guys treat your taxes in the portfolio? Just don't sell? 😜


Be proud, be loud, be a bear! 🐻





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#steuern are important for #staat to cover possible #kosten to cover. But for us #anleger they are a thorn in the eye. Nevertheless, I prefer to pay #gewinne taxes, since I then ha nevertheless what won. So carry #aktien
#p2p and others #investitionen to the #finanziellefreiheit contribute.


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So with 25% taxes on capital gains, we German investors have it relatively good. And the schools also have to be paid for, so that's perfectly fine.
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The state always gets the taxes where it is easy: with the middle incomes To the really rich with their tax saving models they do not get and do not really want that ... The state cuts for years the pension benefits and pushes for private provision - that is so what of mendacious! If it was about private provision it would allow allowances and time lapses (in the past there was also the speculation period of one year). Finally, it belongs to the essence of the share provision that one must also shift times! I have paid this year 100k taxes as I am out of H2 and Tech, although I have invested it immediately again ... There must be better rules for asset management for old age! As long as people like Olaf see shares as something for rich people, this is of course not possible. Olaf is but the embodiment of old communist sentiments - who thinks so in today's modern financial world is a disgrace for his Mnisterium!
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Hi, I try on the one hand with my long strategy to trade as little as possible, on the other hand try to exhaust the tax allowance. At the end of the year I sell up to this limit and try to buy back quickly at the selling price using a NeoBroker. If you have made losses over the year, in the next year this can be taken into account for tax. LG
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Usually I have my shares to hold except for a few experiments to find my strategy. Only CD Projekt I had to sell when I still made profit. This was the first time I had to pay tax on shares (except for some withholding tax on dividends). It's annoying, but I think 25% is still ok, considering that there is a chance that I will have to pay tax at my personal tax rate, which would be up to 42%. I would find that then already crass. Especially when you consider that I buy the shares with already taxed money.
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How is that actually If I realized gains, and the next minute buy new shares are then also 25% gone. I already know the taxes are withholding taxes, are they really gone immediately?
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Taxes, the German's favorite topic 😁 I find the lump-sum taxation cheeky in itself. What does the state get out of it when I sell shares at a profit? Sure, you can now say that it provides the infrastructure with which the profits are generated, etc.. But one must not forget that both the profits of the companies have already been taxed and my investment sum comes from already taxed income. In my opinion, therefore, the capital gains tax for private investors should be eliminated.
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Emigrate 🇧🇲🇨🇷🇬🇧🇸🇨🇲🇨🇵🇳
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The 25% worries me rather little, the fear is that in the future I can change the whole thing and go in the direction of personal tax rate, which is certainly above 25% for all of us.
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