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@Hannes_SK The previous CEO was also a friend of Lula's party. But he obviously refused to implement the majority shareholder's "order". As I understand it, Lula wants lower gasoline prices in Brazil -> less profit -> less dividend. And Lula apparently wants to go down in history as a successful tribune of the people rather than with a good national budget. In principle, I have a lot of faith in socialists. On the other hand, my fingers are itching. A few weeks ago, "Buy on Bad News" worked really well.
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@kleberj Yes, Prates is in the Workers' Party. Nevertheless, there has been a lot of friction with Lula since he became head of the group. Prates primarily represents economic interests, which is not in line with Lula's principles. It really does seem to be a case of outdoing a rival within the party.
It's based on the idea: "If you're not for me, you're against me."